EPG formats

EPG TV program file formats: XMLTV, JTV, DRE-EPG TV program

XMLTV - format based on XML -format is designed to describe TV programs in a structured form. This file is used by digital TV operators as a basic template. The format allows you to expand your options to suit your business needs. In the basic version includes information about the date and time of the beginning and end of the TV show, the name, a short and complete description. The extended format may include information about the participants (actors) of the program, year of release, Studio, age rating (in Russia it is a mandatory parameter for TV channels), graphic images of the program. Parameters can be expanded if necessary. Digital TV operators upload these files to the TV platform (Middleware), which is responsible for converting files to display the program in the set-top box menu within the EPG (Electronic program guide) function.

Learn more about the structure of TV listings XMLTV - here

JTV format appeared in the eponymous program of the Polish developer Yaroslav Kowalski for TV tuners based on bt8x8 chips. This is a binary format, the JTV base program is usually a ZIP or RAR archive containing a pair of files (with the extension NDX and PDT) for each channel. JTV-quite popular on the Internet format of distribution of TV programs for TV tuners.